Trinity International College

Exams & Evaluation

Exams at Trinity are the most important part of our assessment process which evaluates the academic achievement of each student. Educational assessment and academic performance are interrelated and best proven through exam results. Trinity holds different exams where student learn and progress by their overall academic performance in their educational career. These exams are used for assessing the students in a competitive arena whereby a full insight into each student’s attained knowledge and capabilities is gained.


Term Exams

The three Term Exams conducted by the College for all + 2 and A Level students are linked to the term-wise completion of the syllabi. Each of these Exams tests syllabi portions covered by subject teachers that term, or cumulatively after the first term. The Term Exams are vital for correctly evaluating the academic performance of each Trinity student.

Class / Unit Tests

These are normally monthly Tests which assess and prepare students for the coming Term Exams. The Tests examine student learning of the course subjects taught during the period. Marks awarded for these Tests matter for student evaluation each Term.

Special Tests

Special Tests include Practice, Sample, Snap, and Corrective Tests which are conducted according to individual or institutional requirements. 

The Practice Test instills actual learning while the Sample Test covers certain aspects of the Board/CIE Exams vital for academic achievement. The Snap Test, short or full, randomly checks student assimilation or identifies errors. 

The Corrective Test intends to remove errors. It incorporates a series of tests – some even after regular classes or on Saturdays / Sundays / Holidays or during Vacations – to assess student progress over a set period.


Evaluation of student performance at Trinity has both internal and external dimensions. Our Internal Evaluation is based on the student’s academic performance and attendance along with participation in co-curricular/extra-curricular activities and behavioral/disciplinary matters. The External Evaluation of each student is fully based on NEB or CIE assessment.

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